Identified Accessibility Issues and Solutions

The following are identified issues on the AuthentiCare website and details on accessible workarounds or solutions, where applicable:

  1. Date Picker UI for date input fields : The current Date Picker user interface control does not fully support certain high contrast viewing modes. However, this UI control always accompanies a date entry field which provides equivalent ability to enter dates as text, with the same business rules and date validation. No information is presented in the Date Picker UI which is not available elsewhere.
  2. Schedule Calendar View : On the Event Scheduling page, if the “Enable Grid View” checkbox is unchecked, events are shown in a monthly, weekly, or daily Calendar View. The Calendar View poses challenges for users of certain assistive technology, and for keyboard-only operation. However, all features of the Calendar View can be performed elsewhere on the website; users can view event schedules and modify an existing event by using the Grid View instead of the Calendar View, and can create a new event using the Schedule Event page.
  3. Entity entry fields : Throughout the website, fields which allow the entry of an entity (e.g. a client, worker, representative, administrator, provider, service, or authorization) perform a lookup of the entered text as soon as keyboard focus moves out of the input field onto a lookup button, without waiting for that button to be pressed. If the lookup process returns an error, keyboard focus is returned to the input field. This can give the appearance of a keyboard trap, in that it prevents a keyboard-only user from moving past the input field; however focus can be moved past the input field either by entering information about a valid entity, or by deleting the contents of the field completely.
  4. Entity entry fields : Throughout the website, fields which allow the entry of an entity can appear as read-only fields when their content has already been entered. When these fields are still editable, mouse users can hover over the field and see both a tooltip (that explains that the field can be edited) and the field itself changes to appear as an editable input field. Screen reader users hear the contents of the tooltip as a description of the field. Sighted keyboard-only users are not shown the tooltip, although the field does change to appear as an editable input field when it receives keyboard focus, giving the same visual cue that the field can be edited.
  5. Page reload on setting change : Changing the settings of some radio buttons and input fields (e.g. the Date input field on the Scheduled Event page) causes the page to reload, but focus is moved back to the setting or field that was changed.
  6. JAWS announces “on mouse over” for some controls : When the JAWS screen reader focuses on some controls in the website, it announces “on mouse over” as part of the description of the control. This indicates that the control has a feature which is activated when the mouse pointer moves over that control; all such controls make equivalent functionality and information available to JAWS users by other means, such as the description of the control or information that is displayed by clicking the control.
  7. Color contrast in graphs and charts : On the Provider Dashboard page, some colors used in the graphs and charts do not provide sufficient contrast against the background. However, all the information provided in each graph and chart is also available on the page in a table which does provide sufficient contrast, next to the graph or chart.